The highly anticipated film Matka premiered on November 14, 2024, delivering an intriguing blend of crime and action. Directed by Karuna Kumar and produced by Vyra Entertainments and SRT Entertainments, this movie is quickly capturing the audience’s attention.
Category | Details |
Film Title | Matka |
Release Date | 14 Nov 2024 |
Runtime | 159 minutes |
Genre | Crime, Action |
Director | Karuna Kumar |
Producers | Rajani Talluri, Dr. Vijender Reddy Teegala |
Rating | 7/10 |
Starring | Nora Fatehi, Meenakshi Chaudhary, Varun Tej, Naveen Chandra |
Production Companies | Vyra Entertainments, SRT Entertainments |
Popularity | 31.143 |
Homepage | Bollyflix |
Languages | Telugu |
Budget | Crores (Approximate) |
The film, released in Telugu, features impressive performances from Meenakshi Chaudhary, Nora Fatehi, Varun Tej, and Naveen Chandra. With a budget in the crores, Matka has already gained widespread popularity and continues to draw audiences. The direction by Karuna Kumar ensures a smooth flow in each scene, while the cinematography by Vyra Entertainments and SRT Entertainments provides breathtaking visuals. The choice of stunning locations only enhances the experience, making Matka a must-watch on the big screen.
Actor | Character |
Varun Tej | Main Character (Undisclosed Name) |
Meenakshi Chaudhary | Character (Undisclosed Name) |
Nora Fatehi | Character (Undisclosed Name) |
Naveen Chandra | Character (Undisclosed Name) |
Ajay Ghosh | Character (Undisclosed Name) |
Raj Tirandasu | Character (Undisclosed Name) |
V. S. Roopa Lakshmi | Character (Undisclosed Name) |
Mime Gopi | Character (Undisclosed Name) |
Jagadeesh Bandari | Character (Undisclosed Name) |