The Buckingham Murders (2024) Movie

The Buckingham Murders is a gripping crime thriller directed by Hansal Mehta, set against the backdrop of England. The movie centers on a complex murder investigation led by a police officer, blending emotional depth with a procedural narrative. With Kareena Kapoor making her debut as a producer, the film boasts a talented ensemble cast that enhances the story’s authenticity. Its atmospheric storytelling and international production value make it a standout thriller.

Key Detail Description
Movie Title The Buckingham Murders
Release Year 2024
Genre Crime Thriller
Director Hansal Mehta
Producer Kareena Kapoor
Lead Actor Kareena Kapoor
Supporting Cast Zain Hussain, Shaila Haque-Brand, Andreina Sambucetti, Lacey Megrath, Shahan Chaudhry, Saskia Robbins
Cinematography Emma Dalesman
Language English and Hindi
IMDb Rating 8.1 Stars
Critical Reception Positive reviews from Filmfare (3.5 stars) and India Today (4 stars)
Themes Grief, Loss, Guilt, Justice, and Emotional Trauma
Box Office Promising early performance, with strong advance bookings, particularly in metropolitan areas
Streaming Platforms Expected to be available on Netflix or Amazon Prime Video in the coming months
Director’s Previous Work Known for blending emotional depth with gripping narratives, including acclaimed films like Shahid
Film’s Tone Suspenseful and emotionally charged with a haunting atmosphere


Actor Character
Kareena Kapoor Lead Detective
Zain Hussain Humza
Shaila Haque-Brand Parent
Andreina Sambucetti Police Officer
Lacey Megrath Florence
Shahan Chaudhry Mosque Attendee
Saskia Robbins Shane


As the story unfolds, the movie explores themes of loss, guilt, and the relentless pursuit of justice. The detective must face not only external challenges but also the emotional scars left by her past. The Buckingham Murders maintains a suspenseful atmosphere throughout, pulling viewers into a haunting journey of discovery and emotional reckoning. The film’s careful balance between mystery and personal trauma adds layers of complexity to an already intense narrative.


The plot of The Buckingham Murders revolves around a detective who is struggling with the loss of her child. Moving to a quiet town in Buckinghamshire, she becomes entangled in a disturbing murder investigation involving a child’s disappearance and death. The film intricately combines the detective’s personal grief with the investigation, adding emotional depth to the suspenseful storyline.


The movie, primarily in English with some Hindi dialogue, has been well-received by critics. Filmfare rated it 3.5 stars, praising Kapoor’s intense performance as a police officer dealing with personal grief while investigating a chilling case. India Today awarded the film 4 stars, lauding the layered storytelling and tight direction by Hansal Mehta. The gripping performances from the cast keep the audience captivated throughout the film, making it a must-watch crime thriller.

Box Office Performance

The Buckingham Murders has shown promising signs at the box office during its initial theatrical release, especially in metropolitan areas where advance bookings have been strong. With positive reviews from international film festivals and the star power of Kareena Kapoor, the movie is expected to have a solid opening. As word-of-mouth spreads, it could maintain a strong performance, with predictions of a lengthy run. Official box office figures will become clearer as the film continues to screen globally.


1. What is The Buckingham Murders about?
The Buckingham Murders is a crime thriller that follows a police detective investigating a complex murder case while dealing with personal grief after the loss of her child. The film explores themes of loss, guilt, and justice, set in the atmospheric town of Buckinghamshire.

2. Who is the lead actor in The Buckingham Murders?
Kareena Kapoor plays the lead role of the detective in The Buckingham Murders. This film marks her debut as a producer.

3. Who directed The Buckingham Murders?
The film is directed by Hansal Mehta, known for his skill in weaving emotional depth into gripping narratives.

4. Is The Buckingham Murders available in languages other than English?
While predominantly in English, the film includes some dialogue in Hindi, adding a layer of authenticity to its international setting.

5. Where can I watch The Buckingham Murders?
Currently, the movie is being screened in theaters. It is expected to be available for streaming on platforms like Netflix or Amazon Prime Video in the coming months.

6. What is the critical reception of the film?
The Buckingham Murders has received positive reviews. Filmfare awarded it 3.5 stars, praising the performances, particularly Kareena Kapoor’s emotional portrayal. India Today gave the film 4 stars, highlighting its strong direction and layered storytelling.

7. What are the key themes of The Buckingham Murders?
The film delves into themes of grief, guilt, loss, and the quest for justice. It highlights the emotional struggles of the lead detective while she works through the complexities of a murder investigation.

8. When was The Buckingham Murders released?
The Buckingham Murders was released in 2024 and has been generating significant buzz both locally and internationally.

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